Bath Love Spell That Works +27717486182 KHULUSUM

ЦЕНА: 200 €

Bath Love Spell That Works +27717486182 KHULUSUM

This is the easiest love spell that beginners can cast. A bath is a symbol that attracts the lost love, emphasizes beauty and attractiveness. To cast this love spell you need: Plants: iris, hamster - cobbler, rosemary, verbena Pink candle - for romance Red candle - for passionate connection Fill the bath as often as you like. Turn on the candles. Put all ingredients into water. Get in the tub. Visualize the arrival of your lost lover. To make it work this love spell, you need to say aloud these words: "Let my lost love come to me, I call the romance / passion of Venus to myself, Iris gives its power, my dear will come now. Listen to all the sirens, your tree and name. May my will be fulfilled which, according to my desire, must be. Let it be." Leave the water to leak; then extinguish the candle. Comfort yourself and continue with the ritual you choose. Do not dry your hair with a hair dryer, do not use soap or rinse your body. If you do everything right, the love spell should start working within a 24 hours. This is simple love spell that even beginners can cast.
for more information call +27717486182 khulusum

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ЦЕНА: 200 €



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